For easier browsing, here's a list of my blog posts related to diet. Hopefully this helps you narrow down your searching, though I hope you'll still check out the other sections too!
It's all about the choices
So we all know that one of the ingredients to being healthier is "making better food choices", right? Until recently, I thought that sort of self-explanatory. Then, I heard a friend telling me about what she'd snacked on that day. Then I remembered several other similar conversations with her. And it hit me. She didn't really know what "better choices" meant, and she was thinking that eating small amount of stuff equaled "better choices". And to an extent, that's true. BUT, at some point you have to also consider the type of foods and the quality of them. Read More...
The Battle of the Holiday Bulge
That's right, the holidays are here. Both of the big holidays around my family, Thanksgiving and Christmas are a wonderful time of year. I always look forward to seeing family and eating lots of yummy stuff. And though I care about health and wellness, I am NOT interested in having some sort of crazy Thanksgiving dinner where we all eat turkey salad instead of turkey, gravy, ham, stuffing, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes and green beans.
Some folks plan to gain a few pounds in the months of November and December. I mean, really, with all those delish meals and holiday gatherings, office parties, and random bakers showing up with cookies, who can blame us for gaining a few, right? The problem lies with gaining more than a few. Read More...
A good piece of advice
You know how they always say not to go to the grocery store hungry? Well, that's still true, but I'd like to put it out there that it's also not wise to leave home at ALL when you're hungry. You're a lot more likely to eat something away from your house that you wouldn't normally choose. When you're trying to make healthier diet choices, eating out increases your chances of making poor choices. Read More...
It's the quality of your food that counts, too.
We've probably all been told (or told ourselves), "If you can just stop eating chips (or sweets, or fast food), you'll be good to go". Well if only it was that simple!
We like to think that eating out is the enemy. And it is, to an extent. But if you're not keeping a careful eye on what you're fixing your family every night for dinner, it may not be much better than eating out. Read More...
Eat what you want...
I should clarify. Eat what you want...SOMETIMES ;)
One of the keys to being happy while changing your lifestyle to healthier one is to not deprive yourself. If you feel like you can NEVER have anything yummy like a brownie, cookie, or ice cream, then you'll be down about it. You may even eventually snap and eat every brownie in sight. It's better to be reasonable with yourself, allow yourself to have things you truly enjoy - just keep moderation in mind. Read More...
Help! I'm craving....
We all have cravings. When you're trying to watch what you're eating, whether you're counting calories or just cutting back on things like sugar, preservatives, whatever, it's still hard to curb those cravings. But there are ways to indulge or to divert those cravings with healthier choices. Read More...
Oh, Calories...
Ever wondered how much you should *really* be eating? Well you should! Many of us tend to overeat or even under-eat. Overeating is more recognizable. Most people who do it, sort of know they're doing it. Under-eating is a different story. Some people "just aren't hungry" enough to eat all the time. The bad part about that - is that means their metabolism is SO slow that they aren't feeling hunger like other people. And eating too little makes your metabolism stall even further - AND it makes your body store fat. Bad combination, huh?
The good news is, this can all be fixed - with a little knowledge and some new habits. Read More...