Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Eat what you want...

I should clarify. Eat what you want...SOMETIMES ;)

One of the keys to being happy while changing your lifestyle to healthier one is to not deprive yourself. If you feel like you can NEVER have anything yummy like a brownie, cookie, or ice cream, then you'll be down about it. You may even eventually snap and eat every brownie in sight. It's better to be reasonable with yourself, allow yourself to have things you truly enjoy - just keep moderation in mind. For instance, while I was trying to lose 10lbs, I cut out my evening dessert (and made other dietary changes as well!), and then one evening, maybe Friday, I would let myself have dessert. I just made it low-fat ice cream & stuck to ONE serving size. Now that I'm at my goal weight, I have ice cream almost every night, but I'm super good about what I eat all day long. If I eat some stuff I wouldn't normally (think Panera bread breakfast) then I skip ice cream that night. It's all about balance. I can do this because I work out almost every night and I'm very good about what I eat most of the time.

So just remember, you don't have to hate your diet. In fact, I encourage you to find adjustments and options that make you love your new way of eating. It may take some trial and error, but I assure you, it can be done. As always, I'm always happy to share meal planning options, recipes, etc. Just comment here or email me at  - the meal planner I use is fantastic, you can set the amount of calories you want to stick to every day and opt out of certain foods and the recipes are actually easy and delicious. Even better, you can print a shopping list of ingredients for that week's meals....and of course each meal/day is completely editable. If you want to have your own meal planner, I very much recommend this one, I use it every single week and have always been pleased with the meals  - just click "join" and select the paid option to try it!

~To Your Health~

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