Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Weekly Challenge #3

Do you have goals?

Well how do you keep them in mind? Do you plan tasks that will help you accomplish those goals or are they sort of just arbitrarily hanging out there?

Your challenge this week is to really LIST and organize your goals.

So take 10 minutes. Really sit and think about, say your top 10 goals. Make them wild and crazy. You don't have to show them to anyone...just really be creative and think "What would be the most AMAZING things I'd like to achieve?"

Write them all down, and then on a separate sheet of paper, start brainstorming how they are connected. So maybe one of your goals was to quit work. And another goal was to start your own business. And another was to take more vacations. Take those and order them in the way in which they would need to occur. So if one would lead to another, for instance. So maybe you have to start your own business before you could quit work. Then your business would have to succeed for you to take more vacations, right?

Now decide which one is the one that LEADS to all the rest. Chalene Johnson calls this your "Push" goal. In the example above, the push goal would probably be to start your own business. Because it makes the rest happen. Highlight that one. Put stars around it. Circle it. That's the one that is the KEY for the rest to happen. Now write that one everyone. Save it in your phone. Make it your screensaver.

And start ACTING toward it TODAY. Tiny, baby steps each day. Do something every day that will help you reach that goal eventually. Even if it's just that you'll research one element of something that you'll need to know. Or perhaps it's one little phone call that you'll need to get the ball rolling. Just do something to move you toward your goal.

I'd definitely recommend you pick up Chalene Johnson's book, "Push: 30 Days to Turbocharged Habits, a Bangin' Body, and the Life you Deserve!" She has a very specific, fabulous system to really dive into this and get your life organized and working toward your goals. Why wait, right? 

Now, you don't HAVE to share your push goal with anyone. But I think you SHOULD. People can help you. And when you say it out loud, you are much more willing to work toward it. Sooooo, don't be shy, tell us what your BIG GOAL is, below!!

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