Thursday, January 5, 2012

Weekly Challenge #1

All right, it's a new year, I'll try a new THING!

How about a weekly challenge?

Are you up for it?

I think it'll be a mixture of things, anything from a food challenge, to a fitness challenge, to a personal challenge. What do you think?

So, it's the first week of 2012. Woo hoo! Happy new year! Let's try to make ourselves even better than we already are.

So your challenge for this week: DECLUTTER

* I challenge you to go into one room of your house. With two trash bags. One marked DONATE, and one not marked. That one will be for trash. Go through all the drawers, cabinets, shelves in that room before this time next week. You can do a couple of shelves in one night and then break until tomorrow. But your goal is to FILL BOTH BAGS! I know you can do it. Be real with yourself. Which items have you not touched in the last year? Which items do you hate? Which items have you forgotten you had? Chances are you can DO without them.  If something's broken, worn out, or useless, put it in the trash bag. If it's useful, but just not for YOU anymore, put it in the donate bag and then TAKE it to be donated the moment it's full. Don't let it sit around!

When you declutter your home you're decluttering your life. So let's have a fresh start for the year and get one whole room clear of all clutter. One more rule. As you declutter, remember to also clean, wipe, dump any random bits, dust, grody-ness as you go. May as well be clean as well as clutter free since you're already touching it all! :)

Would love to hear how it goes and if you ACCEPT my challenge this week. Comment below and let us know what room you'll be doing, or if you are choosing to declutter something else.

If you're unable to comment please let me know via email!

Now OFF you go! And don't worry. I'm doing it WITH you!

~To Your Health~

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